Colleen Why You Shouldn't Buy Your Hair Care Products on AmazonIt happens all the time. Throughout my guest's visit I’ve recommended (or, prescribed really….can I say prescribe? I’m kindof a hair...
Colleen So,...You Want Long Hair?My Top Five Must-Do's to Ensure a Healthy Grow-Out 1) Invest in a salon-quality (salon-purchased) shampoo and conditioner Hair health...
Colleen Why Hair Gets Brassy: A NovelBrassiness is a complaint of just about every guest who sits in my chair. What is referred to as “brass” or orange/yellow tones in the...
Colleen Would You Do a Mayo Masque?I was watching the Today Show the other day (as I do) when I saw a beauty expert giving suggestions on at-home hair treatments during...
Colleen Currently LovingI'm pretty flexible when it comes to styling my own hair. I rarely use the same product combination each time I wash and style. Partially...